What is homelessness?
Homelessness can be defined as a problem that goes beyond 'rooflessness' and a lack of access to safe shelter. The experience of homelessness includes vulnerable people living in refuges, crisis accommodation or in temporary housing. Homelessness goes far beyond the deprivation of physical shelter. Minimising the notion of homelessness to an ability to secure a roof over one’s head, would fail to understand the loss of social connection, the feeling of “not belonging”, and the social exclusion experienced by persons living in homelessness.

United Nations Definition of homelessness:
The United Nations identifies homelessness under two broad groups:
Primary homelessness. This category includes people experiencing homelessness means not having stable, safe, and adequate housing, nor the means and ability of obtaining it.
Secondary homelessness. This category includes people living on the streets, in open spaces or cars; persons living in temporary emergency accommodation, in women’s shelters, in camps or other temporary accommodation.

Homelessness in Australia:
The latest census statistics, (2021) indicate that homelessness in Australia is up by 14 per cent. The majority of those affected are under the age of 35, with 56 per cent of those experiencing homelessness at last census were women and children.

There were 7,428 people in South Australia experiencing homelessness according to the (2021, ABS Census) and a total of 122,494 experiencing homeless in Australia'. Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) indicates that more than 45,000 people under 25 in Australia experience homelessness.

Who is impacted by homelessness in Australia:
People find themselves in unstable home situations which can range from uncomfortable to distressing and dangerous. The risk of homelessness includes people who have experienced family and domestic violence, young people, Indigenous Australians, and people aged 55 and over.

Homelessness can affect anyone - it does not discriminate. People find themselves in unstable home situations that can range from uncomfortable to distressing and dangerous. Older Australians, particularly women over 50 years of age are facing homelessness in increasing numbers.

Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has furthered ramifications for global housing systems and for individuals’ housing security. The numbers of people who are homeless, post COVID -19 has risen abruptly across Australia, with soaring housing costs emerging as the largest driver of the increase.

Ways you can help:
1. Donate.
Make a one-off or regular donation and help change someone's life.
Blankets and preloved clothing
Nonperishable food items.
2. Volunteer:
Your time. There are many charities who rely on volunteers to for a variety of roles, which help homeless people. Roles included:
Volunteering in a local Opp shop to raise vital funds for food, temporary accommodation, health services and more.
Volunteer your cooking skills by helping a local soup kitchen or mobile food service prepare food for distribution to those in need.
3. Fundraise:
Fundraise for us to help make it someone's last night on the streets.
Hold a fundraising event and donate the proceeds to your local homeless charity.
