South Australia's Homeless Community
The latest census statistics, (2021) indicate that homelessness in Australia is up by 14 per cent. The majority of those affected are under the age of 35, with 56 per cent of those experiencing homelessness at last Census were women and children,
There were 7,428 people in South Australia experiencing homelessness according to the (2021, ABS Census) and a total of 122,494 experiencing homeless in Australia'.
Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has furthered ramifications for global housing systems and for individuals’ housing security. The numbers of people who are homeless, post COVID -19 has risen abruptly across Australia, with soaring housing costs emerging as the largest driver of the increase.
Older Australians, particularly women over 50 years of age are facing homelessness in increasing numbers. Homelessness can affect anyone - it does not discriminate. People find themselves in unstable home situations that can range from uncomfortable to distressing and dangerous.

The team at Ginger's want to help to reduce the impact of homelessness in Adelaide and have a number of initiatives planned.
Ways you can help~!
Non-perishable food items
Pre- loved clothing
A gift of money

Let's Connect and help those in need in our community
Donate now, your valuable contribution will allow us to provide food, blankets and clothing to those in our community who need it most.